Sarah D. Lynne
Sarah D. Lynne is an Associate Professor in the Department of Family, Youth and Community Sciences (FYCS), College of Agricultural and Life Sciences (CALS), Institute for Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS), at the University of Florida (UF). She is a Double Gator, having earned both her Master’s and Ph.D. in Developmental Psychology from the University of Florida. During her postdoctoral fellowship at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, she gained expertise in evidence-based strategies to promote well-being and prevent risky behavior among young people. She also worked as a Society for Research in Child Development Policy Fellow providing her with a unique perspective on science policy communication and partnerships. A primary goal of her research, teaching, outreach, and leadership is to promote health and well-being and reduce risk of negative outcomes. She does this by understanding how the context in which we are born, grow, learn, work, and live impacts people, relationships, families, and communities.
Dr. Lynne is the Chair of the University of Florida Faculty Senate, having served as a UF Faculty Senator and Chair of the Welfare Council of the UF Faculty Senate. She served as a member of the ad hoc Committee on Academic Freedom, a member of the University of Florida Conflict of Interest Provost’s Advisory Committee, a member of the Faculty Excellence & Advancement Steering Committee and is leading the UF Core Curriculum Task Force. She has demonstrated a clear commitment to leadership activities aimed at enhancing her department, the college, the university, and her professional societies which was recognized by her award of a fellowship in the SEC Academic Leadership Development Program. She has led the development of graduate education programs and served as interim graduate coordinator in her department. She led initiatives in her college aimed at increasing the capacity and engagement of faculty in artificial intelligence and human sciences. She has served as chair or member of committees across three international professional societies related to science policy and ethics and is a member of the Board of Directors for the Society for Prevention Research. Dr. Lynne is honored to have the opportunity to serve as the faculty representative and member of the University of Florida Board of Trustees.